
Catriona works with children and young people up to the age of 24, providing bespoke support, advice and consultancy packages.


Assessments and provision may be comissioned by parents, schools and local authorities.

For information on all the services offered, or to discuss your individual needs, contact Catriona now on 07909961409.

Services at a Glance

Assessment and Report Writing

  • Occupational Therapy assessment and formal report detailing sensory and physical needs and recomendations.
  • Occupational Therapy assessment, summary of needs and recomendations.
  • Handwriting assessment, summary of need and recomendations.

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EHCP Application, Appeals and Advocay:

  • Occupational Therapy assessment with formal report detailing sensory and physical needs and the provision required to meet them to inform an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and/or tribunal appeal.
  • Supporting parents to submit an application for an EHCP needs assessment.
  • Reviewing draft plans and advising on suggested amendments for sections B and F.
  • Drafting specific and measurable targets.
  • Preparing for and attendance at mediation with Local Authorities.
  • Attendance at and up-to-date reports for Annual Reviews.
  • Consultation with school SENCO’s
  • Reviewing finalised plans and providing advice on an application for appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST).
  • Attendance and advocacy at first tier tribunals.

classroom kids

EHCP Occupational Therapy Provision:

Catriona works in schools across South London providing intervention and review outlined in a childs EHCP. She can be comissioned by Local Authorities directly or via parents using their personal budget.

Catriona does not see children for ongoing intervention who do not have EHCP’s.

KiDs OT – SEN Consultancy has close links with independent children’s occupational therapists across London and would be happy to recommend or refer onwards.

Toddler girl in child occupational therapy session doing sensory playful exercises with her therapist.

What can you expect from the service?

✔️ A high quality, accessible and child-centred service.

✔️ An Occupational Therapist who will listen, working together with families, schools and external agencies to fully understand and support the child.

✔️ An Occupational Therapist with 20+ years experience of child and family health.

✔️ No hidden costs

✔️ No waiting lists

✔️ Reports completed within deadlines

✔️ A direct telephone number to your Occupational Therapist

✔️ Confidentiality*


What is expected of me?

We ask that you keep all assessment and appointment times.

If you are unable to keep your appointment time please give as much notice as possible. Appointments cancelled with less than 48 hrs notice may be subject to cancellation fees.

To help with the assessment process you may be asked for additional information, including other professional reports and parent questionnaires.

Services & Fees

Packages are available, fully costed with no hidden fees.

To find out which package is right for you, or to discuss more bespoke options, please get in touch. 

*confidentiality is adhered to at all times, unless concerns arise about your, the child’s or another person’s safety. In these rare circumstances Catriona is duty bound to share the information with relevant services.